Chairman’s Corner

We have less than one week!

One of our most important annual fundraising deadlines is less than one week away and we need your URGENT help.

The July 11th Filing Deadline is just around the corner and everyone will be watching to see the strength of our New York Republican Party. The money we raise for this critical fundraising period will go toward electing strong Republicans at the local level this year and help us build our war chest heading into the important 2022 midterms, the race for governor, and other statewide and legislative offices.

Andrew Cuomo is preparing to run for a fourth term and he just held a $10,000 per person fundraiser in Manhattan last week. He has more than $17 million in the bank, but while he is raising money from his crooked special interests, we’re relying on everyday New Yorkers like YOU who are FED UP with our corrupt, broken state.

If you’re sick and tired of watching Democrats destroy New York, we need you to take action TODAY. Every penny we raise will go toward stopping the RADICAL LEFT AGENDA.

Can we count on you to help us deliver a strong showing for this important July Deadline? If every New Yorker who cares about the future of our state chips in $5, $10, $25, $50, or whatever they can afford, we will SAVE NEW YORK.

Statement from NYGOP Chairman Nick Langworthy on Cuomo’s $2.5 Million Taxpayer-Funded Criminal Defense Contract

“Not even OJ Simpson’s lawyers should be able to save Cuomo from facing justice for his deadly nursing home coverup, but it’s absolutely infuriating that taxpayers are being forced to shell out $2.5 million for his criminal defense. He’s sitting on $5 million in blood money from his book–he should pay his lawyers with that instead of pouring salt into the wounds of New Yorkers who have been victimized enough by this corrupt governor.”

Memorial Day Statement from NYGOP Chairman Nick Langworthy

On this solemn Memorial Day, we pause to remember the brave men and women who laid down their lives on behalf of our nation.

As we commemorate their legacies, we are acutely reminded that freedom is never free. Our fallen service members selflessly dedicated their lives to America: one nation, with liberty and justice for all.

Today and every day, we are eternally grateful for their service. We hold in our hearts the families of our American heroes who have also sacrificed so much.

While many Americans will gather today with friends and family, let us never forget the meaning of this sacred day. May God bless our service members and the United States of America.

Chairman’s Newsletter: May 29, 2021

For the first time in more than a month, the Assembly Impeachment Investigation Committee finally reconvened and the results are appalling. Since last month, practically nothing has been done to advance the investigation into Cuomo’s numerous crimes. Despite an additional 90 tips coming into the Cuomo corruption hotline (on top of the 200 previous ones), only 5 additional interviews have been conducted. It’s disgraceful–snails move at a faster pace. I said it from day one–this “investigation” is nothing more than a sham committee designed to buy Cuomo time and protect his power. Meanwhile, taxpayers are being forced to cover the legal bills for this entire mess, totally hundreds of thousands of dollars.

We already have extensive evidence detailing Cuomo’s deadly nursing home coverup and serial sexual harassment. He is unfit to serve. It’s time to stop stalling and impeach the most corrupt governor in New York’s history.

In national news, Joe Biden has unveiled one of the most reckless and wasteful spending plans in history, which would increase spending by $6 trillion and create $3 trillion in new taxes. It’s time for the media to stop pretending Joe Biden is a moderate–this massive big government takeover will take America dangerously closer to socialism and mortgage our children’s future. The middle class will be hit hardest by this extreme agenda and our Republican congressional delegation is fighting hard to stop it.

We value all of your feedback and questions!

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Online donations coming soon. For now, please send checks to
24 Michaels Lane, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603